4 Things to Do Before You Buy Land

house construction

Double and triple check these details and requirements as you prepare to buy your perfect lot!

Before you can start building the home of your dreams, there’s one big thing you need first: the land to do it. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the details of finding the right lot, we’ve rounded up the top four things you need to do to make it all a little easier. 

Double check deed restrictions.

Deed restrictions are regulations that are included in the actual deed for your land, and restrict what you can and cannot do. Once a restriction has been added, they must be also adhered to by future owners—even if the original rule was put in place a century ago. Restrictions can range from regulating colors and materials used during construction to the number of bedrooms to forbidding certain types of pets. Be sure to understand all of the ins and outs of any existing restrictions before signing on the dotted line, because they can be very complicated to remove or change. 

Schedule soil testing.

Soil testing is vital when buying a new piece of land, and especially when you’re building a new property. The soil test will tell you if the soil is strong or loose, which lets you know whether or not it’s strong enough to support a home’s foundation. Once you have the results, your builder can make any necessary adjustments, like adding extra foundation support, to ensure that your home stands the test of time. The results will also unearth any contaminants in the soil that could potentially be dangerous to you and your family, including lead, copper, or arsenic before you buy so you have all the details upfront.

Zero in on zoning requirements.

Before you break ground, you need to make sure that the zoning on your property is squared away. Every government and municipality has different rules and regulations, so you should always start with your local zoning office. You’ll want to ensure that your land is zoned for residential use—and commercial if you also  plan on operating a business—so you can build your home without worry. You’ll also want to double check if there are any minimum or maximum size restrictions on newly built property and if you’re allowed to build any other additional structures, like a shed or guest suite. 

Evaluate access to utilities.

Unlike when buying an existing home, when you’re buying a lot and building, you have to do everything from scratch. That means that you don’t already have water, electricity, waste, and cable hookups, so you’ll want to get in touch with local utility providers. They will be able to let you know if they service your area and how much it will cost to set everything up. If you’re in a particularly rural area, access to utilities could be sparse or cost a significant amount, so be sure to do your due diligence before buying.  

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the idea of buying land, you don’t have to do it on your own. Atmos is an all-in-one solution for homebuilding that makes the entire process easier than ever before. From finding and buying your land to choosing a builder to interior decorating—plus figuring out financing for the whole project—Atmos brings together all the people that you need to make it happen. 

If you’re interested in homebuilding, get started with Atmos today.

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