How to Build Relationships with Your Neighbors

neighbors laughing

A few ways to go from “the new kid on the block” to someone who everyone knows.

Now more than ever, fostering community and leaning on one another feels critical. While the pandemic threw us into increased privacy in many ways, it’s also highlighted how much we need others. And who better to form bonds with than our neighbors? Whether you’re new on the street or you’re just ready to up your neighbor game, these five simple strategies will help you turn your neighborhood into a tight-knit community. 

Say Hello!

Beginning to form relationships starts with simply saying hello and checking in when you happen to see neighbors out and about. This may seem obvious, but it’s easy to fall into old habits or simply feel too shy to say something when we see a neighbor. Make a bit of small talk, comment on the weather or a feature of their yard, and begin building a comfortable rapport. We all have to start somewhere!

If you don’t find yourself with many opportunities to say hello, make a point to spend more time outside around your home. Take the dog on a longer walk, plant a small flower garden, or add some furniture on the front patio. Consistency builds trust, and you’ll find you have more and more to talk about each time you run into the same neighbor. 

Drop Off Treats

A little kindness goes a long way! If in your conversations with a neighbor you hear they’re having a tough time at work or just feel down in the dumps, whip up some baked goods or a casserole (or grab something at the store, or a food delivery gift card!) and drop it off. People always remember who made them feel better! Showing that you care will work wonders in building lasting connections with your neighbors.

Even if nothing is wrong, or if you haven’t recently chatted, a random cookie drop-off is also a great excuse to strike up a conversation and begin forming those friendships!

Offer Help

Whether with mowing the lawn, shoveling snow, raking leaves or anything in between, offering help to neighbors who are elderly or simply in need of a hand builds mutual trust and forms lasting bonds. In the process of helping out, it’s also easy to get to know one another better and chat about other aspects of life. 

If you’re looking to go big, you can also organize meal or chore trains, or get a group together to volunteer locally! Coming together to lend a hand builds bridges more quickly than any amount of small talk can compare to.

Ask for Tips

Everyone loves to feel like an expert! Especially if you’ve recently moved into a house, asking neighbors for recommendations for service providers like plumbers, electricians, and other necessary home maintenance professionals can not only help you compile a solid list of businesses to contact, but also give you a conversation starter in those early months. It’s nice to feel helpful and we’re quicker to trust others who request and value our opinion, so asking for advice is a low-lift way to break the ice while also preparing for the ins and outs of homeownership!

Host a Get-Together

Once you’re settled in, host a block barbecue or neighborhood party! Either in your backyard or in the common areas of your home, set up a few trays of food and some drink options and let your neighbors know they’re free to file through. This will not only give you the chance to meet others on your block, but will also provide space for neighbors to connect with one another when they might not have before. 

Ready to build your dream home in your ideal neighborhood? Atmos can help. Connect with local experts and make homebuilding a breeze! Get started today. 

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