What Amenities Do Today’s Homebuyers Want?

large walk-in closet

Building a custom home has a ton of advantages—and one of those is that you can choose exactly which amenities will bring you the most comfort and enjoyment. 

The menu of options when building a custom home can be overwhelming, and there’s always resale to consider. A little inspiration certainly can’t hurt! In addition to your personal must-haves—whether they’re as simple as a double vanity or as complex as a home theater—here are some features that today’s homebuyers are searching for.

A Home Office

After months of COVID-19-related remote work, it’s not surprising that a home office is one of the top items on a 2022 homebuyer’s list. After all, spending eight hours a day sitting at the kitchen table and getting interrupted by other members of the family gets old fast. Custom home offices provide a dedicated area for focus and hard work. Home office details to consider include built-in shelving, window placement that works with a computer, and plenty of outlets for charging all of your devices

Walk-In Closets

Lack of storage is a pain point in many older homes and rentals, so dedicated closet space that provides shelving and racks to effectively organize clothes, shoes, and more is a major bonus for today’s homebuyers. The most luxurious closets include seating, a mirror and space to try on clothes, and even dedicated jewelry storage.

Walk-In Pantry

Are you sensing a theme here? Today’s homebuyer places a high value on optimized storage space, and that certainly applies to the kitchen too. Walk-in pantries generally feature extensive purpose-built shelving that keeps the various types of goods you might store in mind, with custom storage solutions for items ranging from cans of soup to 20-pound bags of flour.

A Laundry Room

Gone are the days of stuffing washers and dryers into a closet or a dark corner of the basement. A separate laundry room, with space to store linens and cleaning supplies, has become a major selling point. Ideally, this room will contain not only shelving but also space to sort and fold clothes.

Open Floor Plan

The open floor plan trend has been around for a while now, and it shows no signs of leaving. Consumers still value having a living space that flexes easily to their families’ needs and allows for an easy flow of conversation and activity. 

Outdoor Living Space

During the COVID-19 lockdown, access to fresh air became even more essential, so it’s no surprise that today’s house hunters are prioritizing outdoor living space. Whether it’s a small balcony or a sprawling porch, prospective buyers want to be able to relax and entertain outdoors in comfort. 

Energy Efficiency

Today’s consumers are increasingly concerned about environmental sustainability and want to optimize their home’s energy consumption. They are willing to pay a premium for a house that designed to need less energy to heat and cool, with good insulation, glazed windows, and careful window placement. Features like solar panels are an extra incentive to buyers, especially because of the energy cost savings they will realize.

Smart Home Technology

Home technology has come a long way in the past few years, so it’s no surprise that it’s becoming a must-have on the housing market. While smart speakers are easy enough to bring from place to place, buyers get excited when a house is already set up with smart thermostats, lighting, and switches.

With a custom home design, all of these amenities and more are within reach. What would you include in your dream home? Reach out to Atmos and we’ll work to bring your vision to life through our innovative digital-first approach to homebuilding. 

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