Now is the Time to Sell Your Home and Upgrade

White house with red roof

If you’ve struggled to decide whether to sell your home and upgrade to one that better aligns with your priorities, this is for you!

Over the past several months, as homeowners across the US have heard of the increasingly-dramatic housing shortage, many have begun to ask themselves: should I sell my home? Of course, there are many personal details that play into a large decision like this one, but these three driving factors are pushing many people to sell their current homes and trade up. 

Low Inventory, Record Demand

The primary reason many people are opting to sell their homes right now? The high returns and relatively low effort involved in the process. 

With so few homes on the market compared to how many hopeful buyers are actively searching, the possible profits from selling a home have increased drastically. Bidding wars are extremely common in high-interest areas, and competition drives offer amounts sky high. More earnings and equity in your home means more leverage in your own home-buying or building journey. 

While selling a home is never quite stress-free, the quick turnaround times and high demand make this one of the easiest times to do so. Smart marketing and great staging are still critical, but with homes selling in 17 days on average, the process is much quicker and more painless than it might’ve been even a few years ago. 

Cashing in and moving up appeals to people at all walks of life because today’s seller’s market makes selling undeniably lucrative. 

Shifting Priorities

Another reason to sell your home in favor of an upgrade is that lifestyles nationwide have shifted and adapted drastically in the last year and a half. Priorities have come into focus, the landscape of employment and work locations has changed, and things we once took for granted have disappeared. 

Whether it be a newfound appreciation for having outdoor space, a desire to live closer to friends and family, a need for a home office, or a choice like growing the family, countless homeowners are looking around at their current houses and seeing a need for something different. 

Whereas proximity to work was once a huge driver for location choices among house hunters, remote work is on the rise and many families are able to prioritize other lifestyle elements above the need to cut down a long commute. Features like big backyards, room for a garden, spaces for each family member to work and play, and upgraded kitchen appliances now take precedence over work location concerns for many families. 

New Opportunities

One large barrier keeping some people from selling their homes in favor of an upgrade is the fact that getting that upgrade feels daunting — and rightly so! Living in a seller’s market means you might make what you want to on the sale of your current home...but that still leaves you in need of a new house, and many people aren’t willing to face the competitive market as a buyer. Bidding wars, slim options, and stressful sacrifice don’t exactly feel like an upgrade. 

Fortunately, there are new opportunities available for your next home. With Atmos, building a custom home has never been easier! Design a custom home that fits your priorities and lifestyle, without the endless back-and-forth that comes with other custom building experiences. Your dedicated project manager is ready to help with the nitty gritty details, while you stay in control of the features of your home that matter most to you. 

Selling your home doesn’t have to mean entering the market as a buyer! Build with Atmos to get a home upgrade that fits your family’s needs. 

Ready to get started? Answer a few short questions to begin the journey to your dream home. 

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