3 Ways Your Home Reflects Who You Are

family at home

Our homes are more than complex feats of construction and bunches of material; they speak to aspects of our personalities. 

Whether you meticulously plan your interior design down to the very last throw pillow or you don’t give much thought to your house itself, our homes unavoidably reflect who we are. The degree of correlation may vary based on how much control you’ve had over aspects of your home like layout and upgrades, but the relationship is ever-present and undeniable.


In the home of your dreams, your priorities are reflected in the amount of space each room takes up. If you are all about long baths on a Sunday and many hours of hair and makeup before a night out, your main bathroom would ideally be massive. If baking brings you immense joy, your kitchen might dominate your main level. If your priorities lie in family time and keeping kids entertained, you might dedicate extra space to a game room or play space. 

Priorities also shine through in the upgrades and customizations we choose. Those who value sustainability and living a green lifestyle might opt for smart features, solar energy, and plenty of backyard space for gardening and composting. 


Your hobbies, habits, and interests likely show up through your home’s decor, layout, and contents. People who love to entertain and host get-togethers are more likely to have open floor plans, large kitchens for collaborative cooking, and space for a dining room table. Those who live an active lifestyle might incorporate a home gym. Collectors hang more shelves and cabinetry. Animal-lovers may opt for doggie showers, functional mud rooms, or larger feeding stations. 

Your home facilitates your ideal lifestyle, and your lifestyle informs the design and function of your home. From the floor plan to the accessories that fill the space, every element plays a role.  

Taste and Creativity

While some elements of our personalities reflect more strongly in our homes when we have a real say in the layout, build, and design, our tastes and creativity shine through whether we’re living in a rented studio or a custom-built home. Color palettes in walls and furniture reflect our demeanor and moods. 

The art on display in each room, the rugs lining the floors, all the way down to the color of the appliances - they all serve as a reflection of the people living in the home. When you customize your own house, design details like backsplashes, the floors themselves, light fixtures and wall textures smoothly mirror back your personality, too.

The more control we have over the details of our home - from the layout and materials used to the exterior paint - the more we’re able to sync our priorities, lifestyle, and tastes with the place we spend most of our time in. 

Create harmony between your identity and your home when you build custom. Work with Atmos to connect with trusty guides at every step of the way. 

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